Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lesson 4

Today I learnt about what I think is the hardest topic yet, CSS. CSS stands for cascading style sheet. It changes the appearance and layouts of multiple pages at once.
CSS is very fun as I can customize my own HTML. I have to use in order to insert the CSS file into my HTMl " "

Lesson 3

After seeing the videos, i feel that if humans depended on technology so much, we could have a very bad memory. Technology would help us remember the way to drive to your destination so we would not have to memorize it, it would help us read out SMS, notes and other things we presently read ourselves. It could also affect our health. computers hand phones and whatever the people in the video were using gives out radiation. Radiation can make our eyesight go bad so we would have wear spectacles like most people in class already. It can cause sickness such as nausea. I do not think we should be to dependent on technology because once a hacker hacks th system, we will all be hopeless

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lesson 2

Today I learnt how to create an Html. I should use notepad and type in certain tag like "head". I hope I can learn this skill so I can apply it into my project. After doing the HTML challenge, I also learnt how to insert images and links. I can use this for my upcoming project competition.